
Standard Return Policy: If the hearing aid purchase is returned for credit within 60 days of the original purchase date, you will receive a full refund of the purchase price of the cancelled hearing aid, including batteries, cords and accessories, and all fees paid to related to the hearing aid. To be eligible for return, hearing aids must be in the same condition, ordinary wear and tear excluded.

Can I return my order?

Yes, you can. You can always try our hearing aids for 60 days. After these 60 days, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, then you can return the product to The 60 days will count from the day you have the hearing aid in your hands. Other accessories from have a return period of 14 days. To return your items, please follow these steps.

How does the return process work?

To return your items, please follow these steps.
1. Call the customer service of go to our website and request a return.
2. Print out the return form, fill it out and attach it to the package.

  1. Mail the package to us.
    4. The purchase amount will be refunded to you as soon as we have received your return.

What are the costs for returning?

The shipping costs for the return only.  You can prepay for your return shipping and select your return shipping option on our website.

What's the return address?

The return address of is:
151 NW 11th Street, W-301
Homestead, FL  33030 

How soon will I be refunded after return?

Once we have received your product, we will refund the purchase price to the credit card in which the purchase was made.

Return Policy based on Medical Opinion: Within one (1) year from the date of your hearing aid purchase, you may cancel your hearing aid purchase and receive a full refund of the purchase price if you receive a written opinion from an otolaryngologist, or if no otolaryngologist is available another licensed physician qualified to diagnose diseases of the ear, subsequent to purchasing a hearing aid providing that you either have a hearing impairment for which a hearing aid provides no benefit or have a medical condition which contraindicates the use of a hearing aid and as a result of either condition, you have experienced no improvement in the quality of your hearing.

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